- 1 Jean Bailhache (1655-1727) (L`Etacq) [1] m 1 Unknown; 2 (1695) Susanne Le Vesconte, widow of Thomas Le Brun
- 2 Clement Bailhache (1681- ) [2] m Susanne Le Vesconte
- 3 Jean Bailhache (1702-1773) [3] (L`Etacq) m (1748, St J) Esther Jeanne de Quetteville (1732-1800) d of Thomas and Anne Machon (St Mt)
- 4 Jean Bailhache (1751-1780) [4]
- 4 Françoise Bailhache (1753- ) m 1 (by 1792) Jean Le Vesconte; 2 (by 1799) Philippe Le Cerf
- 4 Clement Bailhache (1755-1755)
- 4 Clement (1756-1819) [5] m (1787, St Mt) Elizabeth Nicolle (1765-1837) daughter of Jean and Sara, nee Gallichan, daughter of Jean (St Mt)
- 5 Elizabeth Bailhache (1788- ) m (1810, Tr) Daniel Pellier, son of Daniel (Tr)
- 5 Delicia Bailhache (1790- ) [6]
- 5 Clement Bailhache (1794-1852) [7] m (1825, St H) Jeanne Marguerite de Ste Croix (St H) daughter of Charles [8]
- 5 Caroline Bailhache (1798- ) m (1819, St L) William du Heaume [11]
- 4 Josue Bailhache (1758- ) (St O) [12] m (1788, St O) Rachel de Caen (1762- ) daughter of Jean and Esther Le Boutillier
- 5 Josue Bailhache (1790- ) [13]
- 5 Françoise Bailhache (1792- ) [14]
- 5 Jean Bailhache (1795- )
- 5 Susanne Bailhache (1797- )
- 5 Rachel Bailhache (1798-1859) (St O) m Jean Bauche (1797-1844)
- 4 George Bailhache (1760- )
- 4 Charles Bailhache (1763-1764)
- 4 Charles Bailhache (1764-1788)
- 4 Rachel Bailhache (1768- ) m (1792, St O) Philippe Bailhache son of Jacques (La Robeline)
- 3 Clement Bailhache (1706-by 1717) (St O) [15]
- 3 Jacques Bailhache (1708-1774) [16] m (1747, St O) Susanne Le Brocq ( -1813) daughter of Philippe (La Robeline)
- 4 Magdelaine Bailhache (1748-1825) [17] m (1779, St O) George Le Boutillier son of George
- 4 Jean Bailhache (1750-1750) [18]
- 4 Susanne Bailhache (1752-1839) [19]
- 4 Jean Bailhache (1754-1782) [20]
- 4 Jacques Bailhache (1756- ) [21] m Marie Ailles
- 4 Philippe Bailhache (1758-1821) [22] m (1792, St O) Rachel Bailhache daughter of Jean (L`Etacq)
- 5 Philippe Bailhache (1792-by 1794) [23]
- 5 Philippe Bailhache (1794-1822) [24]
- 5 Mary Bailhache (1797- ) [25]
- 5 Frederic Bailhache (1799-1855) [26] m Martha Sophie Arnold (Gsy)
- 6 Frederick Arnold Bailhache (1829- ) [27] m 1 (1852, St O) [28] Mary Ann Guilleaume ( -1854) daughter of Edward (St P)
- 7 Mary Ann Mansell Bailhache (1853- ) [29]
- 2nd wife of Frederick Arnold Bailhache, (1861) Christabel Le Montais (1834-1901) daughter of Francis John, Advocate, (St P) and Heloise Rondel daughter and heir of Thomas (St My)
- 7 Frederick Francis Bailhache (1862-1909) [30]
- 6 Frederick Arnold Bailhache (1829- ) [27] m 1 (1852, St O) [28] Mary Ann Guilleaume ( -1854) daughter of Edward (St P)
- 5 Elise Bailhache (1802- ) m (1824, St P) Clement Bailhache (1792-1828) (below)
- 4 Clement Bailhache (1760-1799) [31] m (1787, St My) Marie Bailhache (1764-1814) daughter of Nicolas (St O)
- 5 Clement Bailhache (1788-by 1792) [32]
- 5 Jean Bailhache (1789- ) [33] (St My) m (1809, St My) Susanne Le Brun (St My) daughter of Pierre Le Brun and Marie, nee Lescaudey [34]
- 6 Susanne Bailhache (1810- ) (St My)
- 6 Jean Bailhache (1811- ) (St My)
- 6 Marie Bailhache (1813- ) (St My)
- 6 Philippe Bailhache (1815- ) (St My)
- 6 Rachel Bailhache (1819- ) (St My)
- 6 Clement Thomas Bailhache (1820- ) (St My)
- 5 Clement Bailhache (1792-1828) [35] m (1824, St P) Elise Bailhache (1802- ) [36] daughter of Philippe
- 6 Clement Bailhache (1828- ) [37]
- 5 Billey Bailhache (1794- ) [38]
- 5 Mary Bailhache (1796- ) m (1819, St H) Jean Vautier son of Jean (L`Etacq)
- 5 Susanne Bailhache (1799- ) [39] m (1821, St O) Edouard Jean son of Edouard [40]
- 3 Philippe Bailhache (1711- ) (St O)
- 3 Magdelaine Bailhache (1714- ) (St O) [41]
- 3 Clement Bailhache (1717- ) (St O)
- 3 Jean Bailhache (1702-1773) [3] (L`Etacq) m (1748, St J) Esther Jeanne de Quetteville (1732-1800) d of Thomas and Anne Machon (St Mt)
- 2 Jacques Bailhache (1688- ) (St O) [42]
- 2 Clement Bailhache (1681- ) [2] m Susanne Le Vesconte
Notes and references
- ↑ Possibly son of Jean Bailhache [Le Brocq manuscript notes by Messervy], being "Jean Bailhache de l`estaq" [St Mary register] who married on 20 November 1650 Marguerite Le Brocq. The marriage was recorded in that parish and St Ouen on the same day, although in St Mary, Marguerite was mistakenly recorded as Rachel. Jean Bailhache owned in 1713 "a dune and vraic drying area and adjoining pebble beach at L`Etacq where a fish, with lard and oil was washed up". This was close to the current slipway leading to the breakwater, where a dune still serves a useful purpose as a boat park during the winter. Seigneurial records and court rolls of Vinchelez de Haut (1713), cited by Stevens, Arthur and Stevens in Jersey Place Names 1,. The whale? described will have involved the Seigneur of Vinchelez de Haut, and will therefore be featured in the Court Rolls, as the seigneur had the right to all that was washed ashore on his fief. This land at L`Etacq, where most of the Bailhaches then lived, was on the Fief d`Aval, which was a sub-fief of Vinchelez de Haut, owned by the de Carteret family
- ↑ The baptism record has not been found, but the parents are correct as his son Jacques (1708- ) was fils Clement, fils Jean, de L`Etacq and had as godfather Jacques Bailhache (1688- ) fils dudit Jean. The rector, or his delegates, appear to have omitted to enter the marriage of Clement and Susanne
- ↑ Ancestry has misread the St Ouen register entry, to make Jean the son of Francois. His true entry in 1702 is interesting (translated): "About the end of the month of May or the start of that of June was baptised Jean, son of Clement Bailhache and of Susanne Le Vesconte, his wife", godparents being "Me Jean Bailhache, grandpère and Mse Susanne Le Vesconte, his second wife". The identity of this namesake of her (step?) daughter-in-law is helpful in resolving a puzzle previously noted on this page. Jean is buried in 1773 as "Me Jean Bailhache, fils Clement, de L`Etacq"
- ↑ Buried 30 November 1780 'Mr Jean Bailhache, fils Jean, fils Clement, de L`Etacq'
- ↑ Probably Major in the Militia. Constable of St Ouen, 1793-1799; Jurat, 1809-1819. In 1812 Clement Bailhache bought the St Helier Fief de la Houguette from Matthieu Le Geyt, and his paternal property, Chestnut Farm, Mont à L`Abbé. The latter, he sold after some years to Jean de Quetteville; the former he retained. His own St Ouen property was said to be Hastingue Farm, L`Etacq. This is the Clement Bailhache, of whom it was said in St Ouen, that even his horses were shod with silver
- ↑ Godparents: François Aubin (St H) and Sara Gallichan (St Mt), widow of 1 Philippe Aubin; and 2 Jean Nicolle, son of Jean - grandmother of the child
- ↑ Of Rouge Bouillon, St Helier, 1825 and 1841 (St Helier Census); Seigneur de la Houguette and Captain RMIJ
- ↑ Deputy-Viscount, 1812-1823
- ↑ Seaman: 1851 St Helier Census. He perhaps died in the following years, as his younger brother was the family`s representative in J B Payne's Armorial of Jersey His godmother was Elizabeth Nicolle, his grandmother
- ↑ Of 30 Rouge Bouillon; Lieut-Colonel RMIJ and formerly Adjutant; Deputy-Viscount: 1881 St Helier Census. His Will was proved in 1885, leaving everything to his wife, Ellen Bevarns Fenner, also naming her as executrix. There were no children mentioned nor do any appear in censuses: D/Y/A/45/47, at Jersey Archive
- ↑ Surgeon, 84th Regiment
- ↑ Of Grantez, in 1792. His godparents were Jacques Bailhache and Madelaine Bailhache, his sister
- ↑ His godmother was Esther Jeanne de Quetteville, described as his grandmother
- ↑ Godparents: Clement Bailhache representing Jean Le Vesconte and his wife Françoise, nee Bailhache, uncle and aunt of the child
- ↑ Clement`s godparents were Jean Le Vesconte, son of Jean, and Magdelaine Le Brun, his wife
- ↑ Settled, as a result of his marriage, at La Robeline
- ↑ Godparents: Jean Bailhache and Magdelaine, his sister
- ↑ Godparents: Jean Bailhache, son of Clement, and his wife
- ↑ Susanne Bailhache of la Robeline) buried February 1839 aged 86
- ↑ Godparents: Jean Le Vesconte and his mother. His burial entry at St Ouen reads: Jean Bailhache, son of Jacques, of la Robeline
- ↑ Baptism not found. He is identified and placed on the tree by being godfather and uncle in 1792 of the infant Philippe, son of Philippe Bailhache and Rachel Bailhache; also described, with his wife, as godparents in 1797 of the couple`s daughter Mary. He may also be the "Jacques Bailhache de L`Isle de Guernsey", whose widow, Martha Nans, was godmother in 1823 in St Ouen, of John Frederick Vautier, son of Jean and of Mary Bailhache. Martha was described as the child`s aunt. If this is correct, she will have been a great aunt and Jacques Bailhache`s second wife
- ↑ Lieutenant RMIJ (1811)
- ↑ Godparents: Jacques Bailhache, uncle, and Esther Jeanne de Quetteville, grandmother
- ↑ Godparents were: Clement Bailhache, son of Jacques, uncle of the child and Esther Jeanne de Quetteville, grandmother
- ↑ Godparents: Jacques Bailhache and Marie Ailles, his wife, uncle and aunt of the child
- ↑ Godparents: Philippe Le Cerf and Françoise Bailhache, [see generation 4 above], wife in second marriage of Philippe Le Cerf, uncle and aunt of the child
- ↑ Lieutenant RMIJ
- ↑ Witnesses: John Coutanche and Adolphus Arnold (see Coutanche)
- ↑ Godparents: Frederick Bailhache and Martha Sophie Arnold, his wife
- ↑ Clerk in Broker`s business, 1881 (St Helier Census)
- ↑ Settled in St Peter. His St Ouen burial entry reads: Clement Bailhache, fils Jacques, habitant de St Pierre, mais natif de St Ouen
- ↑ Godparents: Jean Bailhache son of Nicolas, uncle of the child, and Susanne Le Brocq, widow of Jacques Bailhache, grandmother of the child
- ↑ Godparents: Jean Bailhache, son of Nicolas, and Marie de la Perrelle, his wife, maternal uncle and aunt of the child. This entry and the 1794 godparents of Billey Bailhache enable their mother`s Bailhache family to be identified
- ↑ Jean Bailhache, son of Clement was described, on marrying, as being of St Peter. He subsequently settled in St Mary. He and his wife were godparents of Mary Jean in 1827, described as the child`s uncle and aunt. 'Mary Le Brun' was an error for Susanne Le Brun: see Descendants of Clement Bailhache - 2
- ↑ Lived in St Peter but was buried in St Ouen
- ↑ His first cousin
- ↑ Baptised at St Ouen; 'posthumous child of Clement Bailhache, son of Clement, and Elizabeth Bailhache, his wife'. Godparents were Frederick Bailhache and Elizabeth Asplet, daughter of Elie, of St Peter
- ↑ Godparents: Jean Bailhache, son of Nicolas, maternal uncle and Marie Beaux, his mother, grandmother of the child
- ↑ Godparents: George Le Boutillier, son of George, and Magdaleine Bailhache, his wife, uncle and aunt, (see above)
- ↑ Of Ville au Neveu, St Ouen
- ↑ Godfather Thomas Le Brun of Le Val
- ↑ Son of Jean, of L`Etacq". Godparents: Jean de la Haule, of St Peter, and his wife, the daughter of Mathurin Le Montais. Jacques was, in 1712, the godfather of a neighbour`s daughter, Susanne Bailhache, whose family was related to his. He is described as 'Jacques Bailhache, son of Jean, of L`Etacq"; the godmother was Susanne Le Vesconte, his mother, who gave her name to the child